Julie Thiebaut

Software engineer | Fullstack developer

About Me

Hey, I am Julie!

Freshly graduated from engineering school, I am now seeking full-time opportunities as Software Engineer. I have always been passionate about IT, constantly seeking out new technologies, staying up-to-date on industry trends and advances and I am very excited to pursue my career in this domain. I enjoy stepping beyond my comfort zone by: gathering new techniques, collecting new data and turning it into relevant information that is easily understandable to everyone through state of the art, easy-to-use and user friendly websites or applications. I love the endless opportunities that computer science provides to create valuable tools...
Thanks for visiting! In this page, you'll find out a little bit more about me, as well as samples of some projects I've made happen. (•‿•)


EPF Engineering School - France

I completed a 5-year program including 3 years of global engineering classes and 2 specialized years. The main goal of this program is to acquire multidisciplinary knowledge on Information Systems and how to manage them.

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Lycee Chanzy - France

I graduated from highschool in 2012 with a specialization in mathematics, European English, with honors. This school is located in the North-East of France, more precisely in a city called Charleville-Mezieres.

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Professional experiences

Software Engineer | April 2018 - Today | Volkswagen - Electronic Research Lab | San Francisco - USA

"I program an API in Python with Flask to help third-party applications to interact remotely with cars in a highly secured environment. I also automate and create test cases to guarentee the proper functonning of services."

Python Flask SQL Linux Node JS React JS MQTT AWS HTML CSS

Fullstack Developer | November 2017 - March 2018 | EPF Projet | Paris - France

"I designed and programmed a website in PHP with Symfony 3 and a SQL database allowing the company to propose challenges and sponsored projects to the public and handle the applications."


Backend Developer | January 2017 - October 2017 | EPF Projet | Paris - France

"I programmed a website in PHP with Symfony 3 and a SQL database allowing the company to propose challenges and sponsored projects to the public and handle the applications."


Android and Frontend Developer | July 2016 - December 2016 | Interact.io | Berlin - Germany

"I programmed an Android mobile app acting as a CRM using the company REST API. I was also in charge of programming a website for documenting and testing online the REST API using JavaScript, Backbone and Handlebars. Besides those two mains projects, I programmed several websites respecting a Google design graphic chart in Angular JS."

HTML CSS JavaScript Java Angular JS Backbone Handlebars Android SQL

Things I like


© Julie Thiebaut 2018